According to decree 302 published in February 2015, the technical framework to implement the IAS (International Audit Standards) compulsory for the companies belong to group 1 or group 2 with assets greater that 30.000 MCLS (Minimum Current Legal Salary) or more than 200 employees.
Our financial statement audit services are also applied to audit other information and linked services or related (IAS’s/SAS’s), including the procedures behavior reviewing under the compilation agreement. Such services include amount others:
Payroll Audit
According to the last tax reform, National Government conferred legal attributions to UGPP (special unit to review social security’s contributions) to review all the contributions payments which could be as risky or more that tax penalties.
UGPP is the government entity with the attribution to impose penalties and interest or actuarial calculation according to the situation. The entity which omitted social security contributions and avoid the payments could be sanctioned with a fine between 1,5% an 12% for each month or fraction according to the employee numbers and the one which corrects the Welfare funds contributions returns for inaccuracy could be sanctioned with a fine equivalent to 5% for the difference between the initial amount and the corrected one.
Operative Audit
Additional service provided by the Public Accountant acting as an External Auditor when accomplished the review of financial statements or individually looks over certain administrative topics with the purpose to improve both, the operating efficient and efficacy, enhancing the human resources and capital assets.
Financial Audit
Addressed to express a Financial Statement Opinion about the fair presentation of the financial situation, operation results, changes in equity and flow cash statement, according to the GAAP’s..
IT Audit
Examines the information security levels and integrity for the entities with a high automation level and it’s necessary to evaluate the processes in particular way. This focus involves outcomes interpretation having in mind the control evaluation, as follows:
- General systems control: reviewing all the standard, policies and procedures in place regarding the System Strategic Plan, contingencies Plans, logical and physical security access amount others.
- Application Specific controls through four(4) topics: inputs, process, operation and output controls.
Especial Audit
Design to certified specific situations with specific reports considering amounts in connection with a subject or different financial statements subjects, o certain topics about them as far as report that should be send to special entities (regulatory, government) in a specific way base on the figures stated in the financial statements.
Management Audit
Review the efficiency, effectiveness and productivity levels for the general and particular processes of the entity, providing support for the general manager to control in an optimal way the execution of the defined strategies, achieving the objectives in order to management all the resources and the results are aimed to develop the entity mission.
Auditoría Interna
Focusing the analysis of the control procedures in place issuing a concept to the administration about its appropriateness. In this sense, “administration” word is used to designate the activities required to get the entities financial goals, therefore involves, management, financing, promotion, production, distribution and consumption activities as well as the public and private relationships and the general surveillance of the equity and on those in charge to keep and grow it.